Thursday, July 5, 2012

Welcome Two My Blog! Take Too

First of all, don't worry. The blog URL/title and the title of this post are both purposely misspelled and mis-grammared. That is the purpose of this new blog of mine--to poke fun at all of the incorrect spellings, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation in this world. I'm not going searching for any of it, it just seems to come to me. On signs in public places, in books, really anywhere out there.

I got the idea a while ago. It might have been last summer. I was at a bookstore meeting Jen and John, the writers of the Cake Wrecks blog-turned-website and the two Wrecks books. Visit their site here:
There was a sign in the bookstore that said "New Ficton". If you didn't realize, that's supposed to say "Fiction", unless the word "fiction" has been changed to "ficton" in the dictionary and nobody told me. I freaked out, laughing. I come across that sort of thing very often, I always have, but I'd never thought of making a blog about it. We'd just been there with the Cake Wrecks people, though, and they had a blog dedicated to the same mistakes--theirs are just all on cake. I took a picture with my mom's phone.

The blog was born.

I just didn't know it yet.

Posts to come soon, hopefully every couple of days. I can't guarantee it, though, because I'm doing this all by myself. I have some mistakes stocked up on my parents' and sister's smartphones. :) Depending on if I get any people to look at this blog (I really, really doubt it), I'll set up an email address for readers to send in their pictures of mistakes.


PS: This is "take two too" because I accidentally highlighted some sentences in white when I posted this yesterday. I deleted the other post and now I'm publishing this one in its place.

EDIT: *looks at post*
*shakes head*
It's still totally highlighted in white.
I have no clue how that happened, but it's annoying.

EDIT EDIT: I'm very sorry for being so unprofessional so far, but what do you expect? Have you READ my About Me and profile?
Anyway, fixed the white highlighting. I had to go into the HTML-code page when editing the post. Now everything's happy!

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